By Kathy Henderson, Director of Economic Development
You don’t have to be a business owner to show appreciation to those you work with. Unfortunately, most people go through their workday never being told that they are doing a good job, or that their hard work is sincerely appreciated.
As Margaret Cousins once said: “Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.”
We tend to think more about being kind and courteous at this time of year, but we really should be that kind of person all year long. It doesn’t take a great effort to just say thank you.
When you take time out of your day to tell someone how much you appreciate them in a simple handwritten note and not an email, you can make their day. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, and you will be surprised how huge of an impact that can make on someone who may otherwise be having a difficult time.
Even small rewards can have a huge impact. A small token of appreciation goes a long way. Things such as a simple thank you card or a $10 gift card to a local coffee shop shows that you see how well they are doing and appreciate their efforts.
Give people the opportunity to shine. If an employee has been doing an exceptional job send them to a seminar or workshop that will help them grow to the next level and let them know how appreciative you are of their efforts.
Make the effort to meet with your employees on a regular basis. Consistent one-on-one meetings to review their short and long-term goals and to let them know that you want to help them reach their goals proves that you have a sincere interest in their success. After all, their success is also your success.
Another way to show you appreciate someone’s efforts is to give them more important tasks to do. It shows that you have confidence in their abilities and are willing to take a chance on their skills and help them grow to the next level.
When you offer praise to your employees, make it specific. Tell them exactly what they did well. Saying “You did a great job on the Smith project. The research was spot on and helped us land the contract.” shows them that you recognize their hard work.
Check in with your employees. Stopping by their desk and asking how’s it going and then actually listening to what they have to say without getting distracted by a text or phone call shows them that you truly care and goes a long way to feed their emotional need of feeling appreciated.
Knowing that what you do is appreciated is one of the greatest feelings you can get especially when you know that you did your best and that others took the time to notice and give you the recognition.